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Research Interests 

We are interested in the following:


1) Face and object recognition, fMRI methodology, computational modeling, cognitive neuropsychology


2) Cognitive neuropsychology, attention, sensorimotor integration, perception, eye movements


3) Cognitive neuroscience using fMRI and behavioural techniques, object-ensemble perception, scene perception, material- property perception, texture perception, shape perception


4) Cognitive neuroscience of memory and perception using neuroimaging, neuropsychological testing and eye-tracking. Understanding the neural correlates of memory, and how these processes are disrupted in amnesia following brain damage


5) Decision-making; Self-control; Morality; Social and affective neuroscience; Computational modeling; fMRI

Research Methods

Electroencephalography (EEG)


EEG uses electrodes placed on the head to pick up electrical signals from the cortex that change in correlation with cognitive processes. The great strength of EEG is that it is very accurate in time. In addition, we combine EEG research with artificial intelligence. That is, we feed EEG signals into computer algorithms that are capable of learning to guess in which situation the EEG signals were recorded; while the participant looked at different objects, while she or he were about to make a hand movement and so forth.


We own 2 BioSemi 64 channel systems including electrodes, caps, computers, and recording software. Matlab licenses currently used in the lab are owned by Adrian and Matthias, respectively.

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Copyright CoNE Lab 2018

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